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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!

Welcome back to school! We look forward to working hard this term and making outstanding progress.

This year, our class names at Blenheim have been chosen to give the children a glimpse into our vast and incredible world. Each class will be named after a different capital city. 

Year 3 CA/AH  Miss Atkin (Monday, Tuesday) and Mrs Hussain (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday) are named after the ancient and exciting city of Cairo.




Year 3 AD - Miss Dipper's class are named after the magnificent capital of Peru: Lima.

Our Curriculum


 You can find out all about our learning this year below with our Long Term Plan. 



Here are the home-school links for this year. You will find information about our in-class learning here. 



Homework and Reading


Please read with your child every day for at least 15 minutes and sign the reading record to show that this has been completed. In order to limit the number of times a book travels to different homes, we will be sending 2 books out at a time, once a week. Children will also have the opportunity to borrow a book from the class library to read over the weekend, 

Please encourage your child to complete their homework.

This will be sent home every Friday with a set piece of homework to be completed and handed in the following Monday.

Weekly homework will include: spellings, times tables, Maths and English. 


In year 3, your child will be able to access Times Table Rockstars for additional support with their mental recall.

Your child has been provided with a username and password so they can access this at home. We encourage your child to complete the challenges alongside weekly homework. Times tables will also be tested weekly.


PE for each class is on a Tuesday afternoon. 

3CA AH will also have PE on a Tuesday afternoon and 3AD will have a second lesson on Friday mornings.

3CA AH can stay in their PE kit after school on a Tuesday and return in their PE kit on a Wednesday morning. It is essential your child has a school uniform to change into after their PE lesson on Wednesday morning. 

Please make sure your child has their PE kit with them. This includes plain jogging bottoms or shorts, a plain t-shirt or long sleeved top and trainers or pumps. 

Indoor Shoes

Indoor shoes are an important part of our uniform! 

Please send your child with a pair of pumps or other suitable shoes to change into when inside. This protects carpets, keeps indoors clean and gives their feet a chance to dry if their shoes are wet.

Thank you!