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At Blenheim Primary School, we use clear processes to develop writing from Nursery to Year 6. In the Foundation Stage and Year 1, elements of the Talk for Writing programme are used to support children in being able to produce effective pieces of independent writing, through engaging the learners, planning clearly and writing for a purpose. 

The writing structure below identifies the process used across Y2-6, structured to provide pupils with opportunities to effectively craft, plan, write, edit, redraft and publish their work.

Writing is a complex process, one that can overload and overwhelm children if they are not sufficiently supported and given the tools and skills to be successful. Our writing structure is designed to scaffold and support children at each stage of the process in order to reduce the cognitive load when they are actually writing.  Sufficient time is planned into each unit to ensure children have the understanding, contextual knowledge, SPAG knowledge and writing skills needed to complete the task successfully.   

Through this process, we aim to develop our pupils as writers by: 

  • Treating children as writers, building on writing skills they have acquired and their knowledge of print from their environment
  • Providing experiences where the children can acquire confidence and a positive attitude to writing
  • Developing and sustaining writing skills by providing opportunities for children to write for a range of purposes and audiences
  • Modelling writing skills, teaching children how to compose, amend and revise their writing
  • Modelling metacognitive strategies to demonstrate how a writer thinks, whilst planning, writing and editing
  • Teaching children to become critical readers of their own writing and the writing of their peers by using self and peer evaluation and checking their work independently for sense, accuracy and meaning
  • Teaching grammar and punctuation in the context of the pupils’ own writing, as well as through discrete lessons
  • Teaching children to develop their ability to organise and present imaginative and/or factual writing and poetry in different ways
  • Teaching strategies for spelling to enable children to become confident and competent spellers.


Our Writing Long Term plan is shown here for 2024-25. Please note that Y3-4 for Spring and Summer is currently under review and any changes will be amended as soon as they are finalised. 

English Writing Long Term Plan 2024-25