Pupil Well-being Charter
We believe that every pupil at Blenheim should have the opportunity to enjoy the highest possible standard of well-being and mental health.
What is well-being? It is feeling physically and mentally healthy and well.
To support pupils’ mental health,
Staff will:
- Include mindfulness activities within the curriculum.
- Organise team games across the curriculum, to build positive relationships.
- Deliver circle time and PSHE lessons where all children will be listened to.
- Deliver PE lessons so that children can focus their minds.
- Listen to the opinions of children within their classes.
- Always be available to listen to the worries and anxieties of all children.
- Provide team building activities in PE and PSHE.
Pupils will:
- Play together in an inclusive way.
- Be a good friend and approach children who are on the buddy bench.
- Demonstrate the Blenheim values: be kind; be helpful; be honest; be polite be respectful and be co-operative.
- Speak to trusted adults when they feel frightened, scared, anxious or worried.
- Use the scrap shed equipment to work with others and take part in imaginative play.
To support pupils’ physical health,
Staff will:
- Provide opportunities for pupils to use playground equipment.
- Encourage children to run around the mile a day track.
- Provide first aid promptly when needed.
- Provide a safe environment for children when learning and playing.
- Will deliver PE lessons so that children feel energised.
- Provide nutritious school meals (and snacks in Foundation and Key Stage 1).
- Support Healthy Eating through PSHE lessons and through the School Food Ambassadors.
Pupils will:
- Encourage others to join in games at playtime.
- Use the mile a day track.
- Use the outdoor gym equipment.
- Eat a balanced lunch each day.
- Drink water throughout the day to keep hydrated.
- Enjoy healthy meals and packed lunches with the support of the School Food Ambassadors.