Our Governors
To read more about our Governing body - please click here for Pen Portraits
Mrs Mo Duffy
Term of Office: 01/09/06 – Present
Designation: Headteacher
Committees: Resources Committee, Teaching & Learning Committee, Admissions
Specific Responsibilities: Leadership and management of the school
Mr Philip Marsland
Foundation Governor appointed by The Lantern Learning Trust
Term of Office: 19/01/15 – 17/01/27
Designation: Chair of Governors
Committees: Teaching & Learning Committee (Chair), Performance Management & Pay Committee
Specific Responsibilities: Attendance, Complaints, English, Early Reading and Phonics and Parental Engagement
Mrs Kuldeep Bajwa
Foundation Governor appointed by The Lantern Learning Trust
Term of office: 01/03/21 – 28/02/25
Committees: Resources Committee, Performance Management & Pay Committee, Teaching and Learning Committee
Specific Responsibilities: Child Protection & Safeguarding, Children Looked After and Geography
Mr Gavin Curlett
Staff Governor
Term of Office: 19/01/2022 - 18/01/2026
Committees: Teaching & Learning, Resources Committee, Admissions
Specific Responsibilities: Governorhub, Well-Being and Mental Health and Health & Safety
Dr Ron Butterly
Co-Opted Governor appointed by the Board
Term of Office: 18/05/2022 - 17/05/2026
Committees: Teaching & Learning, Resources Committee, Appeals Committee
Specific Responsibilities: P.E. and Sports Funding, EYFS and Equalities
Mrs Veena Nair
Co-Opted Governor appointed by the Board (Parent)
Term of Office: 18/01/2023 - 17/01/2026
Committees: Teaching & Learning Committee, Resources Committee, Appeals Committee
Specific Responsibilities: PHSE & Nutrition, Design & Technology and Pupil Premium
Dr Richard Whewell
Co-Opted Governor appointed by the Board
Term of Office: 06/10/21 – 05/10/25
Designation: Vice Chair of Governors
Committees: Teaching & Learning Committee, Resources Committee (Chair)
Specific Responsibilities: Science, Governor Training, School Council and Spanish
Mr Anas Khitou
Parent Governor
Term of Office: 1/1/23 - 17/1/27
Committee: Teaching and Learning Committee; Resources Committee, Appeals Committee
Specific Responsibility: Computing, SEND and Behaviour
Mr Richard Allen
Co-Opted Governor appointed by the Board
Term of Office: 4/10/23 - 04/10/27
Committees: Teaching and Learning Committee; Resources Committee, Appeals Committee
Specific Responsibilities: History, Maths and Music
Mrs Merfat Alzomai
Parent Governor
Term of Office: 2/10/24 - 1/10/2028
Committee: Teaching and Learning Committee; Resources Committee, Appeals Committee
Specific Responsibilities:
Mr Josh Pearson
Co-Opted Governor appointed by the Board
Term of Office: 2/10/24 - 1/10/2028
Committee: Teaching and Learning Committee; Resources Committee, Appeals Committee
Specific Responsibilities:
Councillor Abigail Marshall Katung
Associate Governor (Has voting rights on all committees)
Term of Office: 2/10/24 - 1/10/2028
Committee: Teaching and Learning Committee; Resources Committee, Appeals Committee
Specific Responsibilities:
Ian Clithero
Associate Governor and School Business Manager (Has voting rights on Resources Committee)
Term of Office: 15/05/24 - 14/05/2028
Committee: Resources Committee
Specific Responsibilities:
To read more about our Governors click here for Pen Portraits