GSO Test

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Useful Links

Family Mentors

Our Family Mentors Julie Kirk, Debby Murphy& Katie Chadwick(currently on maternity leave) are available to help parents in many different ways.

They are here to support all our families, If you would like to speak to them, they work Monday-Friday and you can contact them on 0113 2930808 and press extension 3 or 4. The family mentors are able to provide support with parenting, attendance, behaviour at home, understanding your child’s learning or completing application forms (e.g. high school application, benefit applications, immigration concerns etc). They can also help families to access a range of other local services that are there to support both parents and children.

Useful links and contacts:

Childline - advice about a wide range of issues

Mindmate - information about mental health and organisations that can help

Debt Advice- Money Advise

NSPCC - 0808 800 5000

NSPCC - Online Safety

Net Aware- Your guide to social networks, apps and games
CEOP - Online Safety

Drug and Alcohol Support

Leeds Women's Aid - 0113 2460401 (24 hours) Textphone @ 07825 156087 (Monday to Friday 9.30am - 5pm)

Behind Closed Doors- Supporting anyone suffering domestic abuse regardless of age, gender, race or sexual orientation and we act to prevent it. 24-hour Leeds Domestic Violence Helpline
0113 246 0401